Current Standings



Drummer Boy
(394 Points / 8 Weeks at #1 / Avg. 21.9 Points per week)

1stDrummer Boy394 Points(26)120761111-6
2ndYoung Tuna391 Points(33)1226995-6
3rdDouble-Double386 Points(20)22174115-3
4thCap J Sparrow382 Points(23)1198699-6
5thRad Dad380 Points(22)32086113-3
6thFearless Tuna378 Points(31)32177108-10
7thViking Blood375 Points(18)3207678-5
8thCaptain Insano365 Points(31)3206495-1
9thMWL Jimmy G364 Points(11)7219586-9
10thThe Rickster353 Points(26)91795100-0
11thRoadrunner344 Points(24)1225396-3
12thShaylene341 Points(24)2225368-5
13thStinkerbell339 Points(34)718105104-5
14thMJD Hogg337 Points(34)51455122-1
15thNYC Sewer Rat312 Points(11)11134598-10
16thMr. T310 Points(18)9187593-9
17thBob Swerski299 Points(32)15166395-8
18thHoosier Daddy288 Points(19)10176178-10

2023 MVP Award Winners by Week:

Week 1- Captain Jack Sparrow   26 Points
Week 2- Young Tuna   36 Points
Week 3- Double-Double   29 Points
Week 4- Fearless Tuna   31 Points
Week 5- Captain Insano   29 Points
Week 6- MJD Hogg   31 Points
Week 7- Roadrunner & Shaylene   22 Points
Week 8- New York City Sewer Rat   32 Points
Week 9- Drummer Boy   33 Points
Week 10- Viking Blood   26 Points
Week 11- Drummer Boy   30 Points

Week 12- Rad Dad   29 Points
Week 13- Viking Blood   29 Points
Week 14- Double-Double & My Wife Loves Jimmy G   32 Points
Week 15- Stinkerbell & Young Tuna   32 Points
Week 16- Fearless Tuna & My Wife Loves Jimmy G   27 Points
Week 17- Captain Insano, Double-Double & The Rickster   32 Points
Week 18-
MJD Hogg & Stinkerbell   34 Points

2023 MVP Award Runner-Ups:

Week 1- Roadrunner & Shaylene   25 Points
Week 2- Viking Blood   26 Points
Week 3- New York City Sewer Rat & Stinkerbell   27 Points
Week 4- Young Tuna   27 Points
Week 5- Fearless Tuna   26 Points
Week 6- Hoosier Daddy   30 Points
Week 7- Captain Insano & My Wife Loves Jimmy G   13 Points
Week 8- Double-Double & Young Tuna   27 Points
Week 9- The Rickster & Young Tuna   30 Points
Week 10- Double-Double, NYC Sewer Rat & Stinkerbell   25 Points
Week 11- MJD Hogg   28 Points
Week 12- Stinkerbell & Young Tuna   28 Points
Week 13- Captain Jack Sparrow & Double-Double
Week 14- The Rickster   29 Points
Week 15- Viking Blood   31 Points
Week 16- Double-Double   25 Points
Week 17- Captain Jack Sparrow & Drummer Boy   30 Points
Week 18-
Young Tuna   33 Points

2023 Player of the Month Awards:

September- Young Tuna (for 3 Weeks at #1, 1 MVP & 1 MVP Runner-Up)
October- Shaylene (for 1 MVP Award & moving up 7 places)
November- Drummer Boy (for 2 Weeks at #1 & 2 MVP Awards)
December- Double-Double (for 2 MVPs and 1 Runner-Up MVP)

2023 First Place in the Standings:

Week 1- Captain Jack Sparrow (1 Point lead)
Week 2- Young Tuna (9 Point lead)

Week 3- Young Tuna (3 Point lead)
Week 4- Young Tuna (14 Point lead)

Week 5- Young Tuna (8 Point lead)
Week 6- Young Tuna (10 Point lead)
Week 7- Roadrunner (2 Point lead)

Week 8- Young Tuna (7 Point lead)
Week 9- Young Tuna (9 Point lead)
Week 10- Young Tuna (9 Point lead)
Week 11- Drummer Boy (6 Point lead)
Week 12- Drummer Boy (1 Point lead)
Week 13- Drummer Boy (4 Point lead)
Week 14- Drummer Boy (6 Point lead)
Week 15- Drummer Boy (8 Point lead)
Week 16- Drummer Boy (4 Point lead)
Week 17- Drummer Boy (2 Point lead)
Week 18- Drummer Boy (3 Point margin of victory)

2023 Year Honors:

Bob Swerski (--)
Captain Insano (2 MVP Awards)
Captain Jack Sparrow (1 MVP Award, 1 Week at #1)
Drummer Boy (2 MVP Awards, 8 Weeks at #1)
Double-Double (3 MVP Awards)
Fearless Tuna (2 MVP Awards)
Hoosier Daddy (--)
MJD Hogg (2 MVP Awards)
Mr. T (--)
My Wife Loves Jimmy G (2 MVP Awards)
New York City Sewer Rat (1 MVP Award)
Rad Dad (1 MVP Award)
The Rickster (1 MVP Award)
Roadrunner (1 MVP Award, 1 Week at #1)
Shaylene (1 MVP Award)
Stinkerbell (2 MVP Awards)
Viking Blood (2 MVP Awards)
Young Tuna (2 MVP Awards, 8 Weeks at #1)

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© Copyright 2023 Tuna Classic Productions