Super Bowl H2H Champs


Super Bowl Champions are the winners of the yearly Head to Head competitions.  The Head to Head regular season usually lasts for 10 weeks, with players being split up into divisions of 4 to 5 players each.  The winners of those divisions along with other players with winning records are given higher seedings in the challenging Super Bowl Tournament.  The Super Bowl Tournament is generally 5 rounds long – including the First Round, Wild Card Round, Divisional Round, Conference Round, and Super Bowl Round.  The last player standing at the end of the tournament is declared the Super Bowl Head to Head Champion for the season.  Some club members enjoy the Head to Head play even more than the weekly Points play and Current Standings.  Head to Head play is unique in that it is possible to win your match with a very low score and lose your match even if you have a very high score.  Your result depends as much on how your opponent does as on how well you do.

As of the conclusion of the 2024 season, we have had 16 different Super Bowl Champs over the course of 22 seasons (there was no Super Bowl competition held in 2001).  The Rickster is the only player to own 4 titles.  The Rickster is also the only player ever to win back-to-back Super Bowl titles.  Bob Swerski is not far behind with 3 titles of his own.  The highest score ever in a Super Bowl Final match was recorded by Fearless Tuna when he scored 39 Points in 2024.  The lowest score ever to win a Super Bowl Final match was 11 Points done by Bob Swerski in 2021.  The best record for the entire Head to Head season including the Super Bowl Tournament is 13-1, recorded by Cat Man in 2000.  The best records in Head to Head for the regular season only is 9-1, done by three different players – Hoosier Daddy (accomplished twice), Cat Man, and Annie-mole.  To date, no player has ever gone undefeated in regular season Head to Head play by reaching the elusive perfect mark of 10-0.  Two times in Super Bowl Finals there have been ties and the winner has been decided by who had the higher seeding.  These matches were won by Eastside Brewer and Bob Swerski, proving that it is important to win regular season Head to Head matches because owning the higher seed can pay off later.  Six times in club history a player has won both the Club Championship and Super Bowl Championship in the same season.  Known as the Double Major, it has been done by Rad Dad, Eastside Brewer (also known as The Rickster), Papa J-Bird, Cat Man, Schloppy Joe, and Big Wiggle.  It was last accomplished in the 2022 season.  Three players have been to Super Bowl Finals twice and lost both matches to remain without a title – Kip Possible, Drummer Boy, and Inspector Clouseau.  To see our full list of Super Bowl Champions and those who finished as Runner-Up and Conference Finalists through the years, look below.  (Note: some of our earlier records have been lost, so in some years we do not have information about final scores, Runner-Up, or the Conference Finalists other than who the Super Bowl Champion was.)


2024 23rd Year Classic Edition

Fearless Tuna (Steve Hall)
2024 Super Bowl XXII Champion
(def. Runner-Up Shaylene 39-30)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Double-Double & Nighthawk)


2023 22nd Year Champions Edition

My Wife Loves Jimmy G (Cory Spencer)
2023 Super Bowl XXI Champion
(def. Runner-Up Fearless Tuna 27-22)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Captain Jack Sparrow & Viking Blood)


2022 21st Year freespirit Tribute Edition

Rad Dad (Mike Calles)
2022 Super Bowl XX Champion
(def. Runner-Up The Sad Salmon 31-22)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Hoosier Daddy & My Wife Loves Jimmy G)


2021 Twentieth Year Final Edition

Bob Swerski (James McGrath)
2021 Super Bowl XIX Champion
(def. Runner-Up The Sad Salmon 11-9)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Captain Jack Sparrow & MJD Hogg)


2020 Nineteenth Year Trophy Edition II

The Rickster (Rick Lachmiller)
2020 Super Bowl XVIII Champion
(def. Runner-Up Halibut J-Bird 27-17)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Drummer Boy & Low Fat Tuna)


2019 Eighteenth Year International Edition

Hoosier Daddy (Billy Dougan)
2019 Super Bowl XVII Champion
(def. Runner-Up Drummer Boy 22-21)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Double-Double & Slick Chick)


2018 Seventeenth Year Legacy Edition

Bob Swerski (James McGrath)
2018 Super Bowl XVI Champion
(def. Runner-Up The Rickster 22-20)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Rad Dad & Nighthawk)


2012 Sixteenth Year Family Edition

Bane (Lowell Hall)
2012 Super Bowl XV Champion
(def. Runner-Up Double-Double 20-15)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Captain Jack Sparrow & Dixie Slick)


2011 Fifteenth Year Trophy Edition

Rad Dad (Mike Calles)
2011 Super Bowl XIV Champion
(def. Runner-Up Pider Man 19-3)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Bob Swerski & Dixie Slick)


2010 Fourteenth Year Legends Edition

The Rickster (Rick Lachmiller)
2010 Super Bowl XIII Champion
(def. Runner-Up Speak Now Tuna 22-14)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Dark Knight & Slick Chick)


2009 Thirteenth Year Sportsmanship Edition

Bob Swerski (James McGrath)
2009 Super Bowl XII Champion
(tied Runner-Up Kip Possible 19-19)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Rad Dad & Mr. T)


2008 Twelfth Year Podcast Edition

Double-Double (Dave Pariani)
2008 Super Bowl XI Champion
(defeated Runner-Up The Rickster 18-17)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Dark Knight & Slick Chick)


2007 Eleventh Year Michelin Man Edition

Captain Jack Sparrow (Rich Contreras)
2007 Super Bowl X Champion
(defeated Runner-Up Drummer Boy 16-10)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Unknown Artist & Boris Badenov)


2006 Tenth Year Anniversary Edition

Eastside Brewer (Rick Lachmiller)
2006 Super Bowl IX Champion
(tied Runner-Up Double-Double 20-20)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Hoosier Daddy & The Transporter)


2005 Ninth Year Pro-Bowl Edition

Dylan’s Dad (Rick Lachmiller)
2005 Super Bowl VIII Champion
(defeated Runner-Up Important Idler 25-13)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Double-Double & Mike Z)


2004 Eighth Year All-Stars Edition

Sugar n Spice (Haley Collins)
2004 Super Bowl VII Champion
(def. Runner-Up Inspector Clouseau 24-23)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Mr. Ineffective & Jar Jar Binks)


2003 Seventh Year Full Edition

Papa J-Bird (Justin Naber)
2003 Super Bowl VI Champion
(defeated Runner-Up The Duck 33-23)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
The Rickster & Jar Jar Binks)


2002 Sixth Year Limited Edition

Wolfman (Ron Robinson)
2002 Super Bowl V Champion
(defeated Runner-Up Jar Jar Binks 22-19)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Rhapsody Ralph & Matinee Pioneer)


2001 Fifth Year Anniversary Edition

No Super Bowl Tournament held this season


2000 Fourth Year Edition

Cat Man (Gary Kennedy)
2000 Super Bowl IV Champion
(defeated Runner-Up Salsa Tiger 23-18)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Notorious & Shenana)


1999 Third Year Edition

Cuda (Daniel Higareda)
1999 Super Bowl III Champion
(defeated Runner-Up Hoosier Daddy 18-14)
(Conference Finalist finishers–
Millennium J-Bird & Farley Freak)


1998 Second Year Edition

Schloppy Joe (Luke Hirschmugl)
1998 Super Bowl II Champion
(Runner-Up unknown)
(Conference Finalist finishers–


1997 First Year Edition

Big Wiggle
1997 Super Bowl I Champion
(defeated Runner-Up Starbucks Mom)
(Conference Finalist finishers–