Welcome to the mobile version of The Football Club 2012. To access the various pages of The Football Club on your mobile phone (including the Weekly Picks Sheet and Current Standings), click on the menu button at the top right corner of your screen. This will provide you with access to the mobile versions of the club’s pages for the current season– such as the Weekly Picks Sheet, Current Standings, etc. Access to the Club Shoutbox, Hall of Fame, and assorted other pages are only available on the full version of the site. You can turn off the mobile version by touching the OFF button at the bottom of this screen (and bottom of all pages). However, some pages of the regular club site will not format properly on a mobile phone, such as pages that contain standings charts. And the menu buttons and links will not format properly. For ideal viewing of The Football Club pages, use a computer or tablet. When using Football Club Mobile to turn in your picks, it works good (at least with iPhone) to copy the entire Weekly Picks Sheet and paste it to e-mail. After that, check off your picks and send it in.