Week 17 MVP Award Winner–
Double-Double (34 Points)
Going into the final week of the season, Double-Double turned in his picks and announced: “I’m going for the MVP with 2 Game of the Week upsets.” He then proceeded to pick Indy over Hou and Min over GB. Double-Double’s strategy paid off big time when he game up huge, winning all 3 Games of the Week, the Double Stakes, Triple Crown, and Sunday Night game. The only spot where he faltered proved to be with the QJ game when he unwisely picked New Orleans and lost 3 Points from his final score. Thus, a 37 Point week turned into a 34 Point week, but that was still the best in the club during Week 17. Double-Double was happy to end the season on a high note with the Week 17 MVP Award. Another player who ended on a high note was Points Standings Runner-Up MJD Hogg, who posted 32 Points to claim his third consecutive MVP Award Runner-Up. By finishing the season so strong, MJD Hogg nearly stole the club title. Even though he came up 15 Points short, MJD was still named the December Player of the Month. And that brings us to the big news about the 2012 Club Champion! Hoosier Daddy capped up a fantastic second half of the season by scoring 28 Points in the final week to finish in 1st Place and win his 2nd club title in the past 4 years. He finished with 394 Points, coming oh-so-close to the 400 Point barrier. 394 Points is the highest Point total since 2006. But back then, there were Bonus Points for Head to Head Weekly and Pro Bowl Weekly play. Hoosier Daddy actually had the second highest Point total (without Bonus Points) in club history, behind only The Cat with 396 Points in the 2000 season. Finishing with 8 Weeks at #1, Hoosier Daddy had an outstanding season and the club would like to congratulate him on being our 2012 Club Champion. Well done, Hoosier! You truly are a force to be reckoned with year after year. Rounding out the Top Five this season were Rad Dad (3rd Place), Dixie Slick (4th Place), and Captain Insano (5th Place). The Hall of Fame has now been updated with winners and achievements for the 2012 season. Newly added members of the Hall of Fame include– Hoosier Daddy (2012 Club Champion), Bane (2012 Super Bowl Head to Head Champion), Transformers (2012 Pro Bowl Team Champions), The Cat (2nd Perfect Week in Club History), Wild Animals (Highest Team Score in a Week), Daddy & His Boys (Best Pro Bowl Weekly Regular Season Record), along with our Rookie of the Year, Comeback Player, and Sportsmanship Award winners for 2012. Congratulations, everyone! Here is a recap of all the category winners for 2012…
Club Champion– Hoosier Daddy (394 Points)
Club Champion Runner-Up- MJD Hogg (379 Points)
Super Bowl XV Champ- Bane (def. Double-Double, Dixie Slick, Iceman & Rickster)
Super Bowl Runner-Up- Double-Double (def. Captain Jack, Papa Tuna & Hoosier)
Pro Bowl XIV Champs- Transformers (teammates- Beav, Dixie Slick & Jacuzzi Splot)
Pro Bowl Runner-Ups- Wild Animals (teammates- Cat, Double-Double & Rickster)
Playoff Picks Champion- to be determined
Playoff Picks Champ Runner-Up- to be determined
Rookie of the Year- Iceman (for 2 MVP Awards & 1 Week at #1)
Sportsmanship Award- Drummer Boy (for great courtesy and consideration)
Comeback Player of the Year- freespirit (returned for first time since 2000)
Most MVP Awards- Hoosier, freespirit, Catfish, Iceman & Beav (2 MVP Awards)
Best Week- The Cat (41 Points — Week 11)
Best Team Score- Wild Animals (112 Points — Week 11)
Most Games of the Week- Rad Dad (23 out of 35 — 66% correct)
Most Triple Crowns- Hoosier Daddy (6 out of 17 — 35% correct)
Most Double Stakes- Drummer Boy (10 out of 17 — 59% correct)
Most SN / 6 Point Games- Hoosier, MJD & Rickster (12 out of 17 — 71% correct)
Best Triple Jeopardy Ratio (min. 10 att.)- Dixie Slick (10 out of 11 — 91% correct)