Wednesday Night Game 9/5

By the time the NFL season opened on Wed night with the Dallas-NYG game, 7 club members had already submitted their full picks for Week One.  Many more picks, of course, will be turned in before kickoff of the rest of the games on Sunday.  It seems that most everyone trusted the Autopicker, which developed a reputation last season for making bad picks.  The Autopicker’s bad picking trend continued tonight with its failed pick of NYG, thus costing almost the entire club 2 Points.  However, 2 club members wisely e-mailed in and switched their picks from NYG to Dallas and scored 2 Points to take the early club lead.  These 2 brilliant club members are rookie player Iceman and veteran player steveluvsal.  Iceman comes into the club highly touted as an expert football mind, and he is off to a great start.  With that, let’s see what happens this Sunday.